A Simple Question: China and US Arms Sales to Taiwan

If the Chinese get so upset about the recent deal between the USA and Taiwan agreeing a $6.4 Billion arms sale to Taiwan, then should not China be more conciliatory towards the US when it tries to sanction North Korea and Iran for building Nuclear Weapons?

"China’s response, no matter how vehement, is justified. No country worthy of respect can sit idle while its national security is endangered and core interests damaged." -The official China Daily via Reuters.  ( http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE6100CK20100201?pageNumber=1&virtualBrandChannel=0 )

China needs to know they cannot have their cake and eat it too.  Once it is gobbled up, there is no pretty cake to show off.  If they keep trading their credentials at the UN in these other areas, then the US can ignore their national security as blatantly.  It shows they really do lack a view of the over-all picture when it is the US that will end up having to cleanup the Nuclear mess with North Korea and Iran either directly or not by facing head on what the US or its allies have to face.  China’s failures in curbing arms development is no different than selling them.  Either way, the bad guys get the goods. 

My respect for China is a little diminished on this.

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