Category Archives: Catastrophe & Disaster
On Becoming Old
The kids are a growing, Missus has been ill, and I have noted a couple of horrible crashes along the highway that we travel on to get out of our neck of the wilderness that has taken more than one … Continue reading
Meteor Shower and the Fire in Hawaii
I got up for the usual reasons last night at 2:30, then went out to look up and see if the sky was worth watching during the meteor shower. I didn’t see much, so I went in and spent the … Continue reading
Setting Up Shop
The workbench is on the way, and I have electricity in the shop now, providing plenty of light, air in the compressor, batteries a charge, tools electrified, and maybe even a little heat when needed till the wood stove warms … Continue reading
Insurrection, Impeachment, Inaguration
These are the Wednesdays of January. There is no other way to see this but as an historic moment in America. The first Wednesday showed the true colors of the Trump Presidency. And a person would have to of been … Continue reading
This Is Only A Test
Today I am just running a test post from a different computer. This is going to be nice, isn’t it? But truthfully, this is also the end of 2020. I am not going to miss this one, I am sure! … Continue reading
Rancid Fish
Well, this was a gruesome night. I ate two pieces of rancid haddock, but did not realize till I was done eating all of it why it would taste like amonia. I Googled it, and found out that I had … Continue reading
Mild Armageddon
I remember when I was a kid, and used to go to Church, hence, read things like The Book of Revelations, and had discussions with friends about it. We were young, and stupid. If I still believed in that kind … Continue reading
Sinus Infection
The past few days have been less than fun. I tought I was experiencing a toothache where I had lost a molar some sixteen years ago, and that it was sausing the normal toothache pains. However, the pain transitioned from … Continue reading
Coronavirus Lockdown Thoughts
This is the great cataclysm that the preppers have all been preparing for. Well, a lighter version, actually, but the world seems to have ground to a halt nonetheless, and those people who were preppers are probably not worried in … Continue reading
Walmart Seems To Care
I was just at Walmart to do our grocery pickup. There was a car next to me by one space, and the lady there stayed in her car while the associate loaded her things into her SUV. The associate was … Continue reading