Insurrection, Impeachment, Inaguration

These are the Wednesdays of January. There is no other way to see this but as an historic moment in America.

The first Wednesday showed the true colors of the Trump Presidency. And a person would have to of been a damned fool to have been taken by surprise by it. He was softening the ground for this for months. He wanted this to happen, and he got it. And he lost. After meeting with the President of China he noted the lifetime Presidency Xi had acquired and gloated that maybe one day we would have that in America, too. That is when it began publicly. He also talked about how the election in 2016 was rigged, to ease his feeling about Hillary having got more votes than him. Then he dragged that one out again to suggest he could not possibly lose in 2020. He even got bold enough to say that he could not possibly lose to “Sleepy Joe, the worst Presidential candidate in US History.” Well, looky here where we are now! Then it was all about lost Trump ballots, ballots thrown in a river, and abesntee ballots being faked, and dead people voting and ballot dumps. When he took it to court, he lost on 60 out of 61 instances, and the one he won was only over a handfull of votes. And this was in front of judges appointed by virtually every President since Bush Sr.!

Impeachment came a week later, which was correct. There is no way he did not incite that crowd, even with plausible deniability, and indirect speech accounted for. He said “We are going to go down to the Capitol.” There was no business of his there. The election was over, and it was well past time for him to gracefully concede. The election wasn’t even close, and even if he was right that the ballots were dumped, we are suppsed to believe that more than seven million of them were printed up somewhere and put in envelopes and dropped into the systems without local authorities actually cottoning on to it… Utter bullshit. Impeachment? He kept saying the election was going to be stolen, and not for his lack of effort, it could have been. He tried to say it enough that it would come to pass. That is a well preacticed narcissist right there.

Inaguration of the first female in the second spot in America was a big deal a week later, but that she was a black woman and a South Asian woman was an even bigger deal, by far. Some will try to dismiss this and pretend that it doesn’t matter. Then let them not complain for the sakes of those for whome it does matter. America is a diverse country by its nature, and the elected officials need to reflect that. By the core of the nature of humanity, we are far too late to be finally electing a woman to either of the Exeutive offices. Half the damn species is female! Why the hell has this equality not been acknowledged rightfully yet? This is the stupidest thing! I know that it all roots in male inferiority that has long been enshrined in religious dogmas going back at least as far as Jesus Christ! But this needs to end. It needed to never of have begun.

We are living through one of those historic moments, and it is leaving my head spinning. I have not felt anything quite like this since 9/11.

The most exciting aspect of it all though, is that we just might make it through all of this after all. Joe Biden was never my man for office. He was never progressive enough; not even close. But one thing he has for damn sure demonstrated was the ability to keep pressing on, peacefully, quietly, and how to keep in control when things look awful. I’ll give him this, he has been dignified, and has brought the right messages to the fore. I wish him every success, and all the progress he is seeking.

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