Excusing The People Involved

I have seen that in the last few days there have been a couple of guys who were clearly photographed during the Capitol riots who have turned themselves in to local law enforcement. I have got to say, fair dues to them. I hope that is taken into account during sentencing. I can respect them owning up to their misdeeds.

There has been one who incited the riots who so far has not taken ownership of his role in it. That is to be expected. That is why he is, and always has been, a clear and present danger. I do not know how anyone can excuse his behavior prior ro the rioting, but after it?

I know there has been chatter online about another protest, this one armed, that has been planned for the Sunday a week from tomorrow. We’ll see how that plays out. IT would be a good time to show a bit more contrition than that, but there are those who have been anticipating a Civil War for years, and I will not be surprised to see them show up and start it. But that is jut me and ear to the ground listening. I have not had my ear to the ground much. But I have heard talk of it for aas long as I can remember. I have seen the events of Ruby Ridge and Waco unfold, and there are fols who still harbor ill towards the government for things like that.

I would like to see us come to peace, and I would like to see the Republicans deal with the election of Biden the way I had to deal with the election of Trump. Sometimes a fella has got to just suck it up and ride it out. That’s hard when it affects people’s jobs and such, and when it involves wars and the like. But the tin hat conspiracies are way too much for me. I’d like to think that most forls are just doing the best they can according to their priciples. Well, whatever the case, I think I see as I get older just why some people are so damn nostalgic for times gone by. It is not that it was so much better or worse, but that as the number of bad things that happen are seen, it gets to be a pile of pain and cynicism that drives one to look back towards their personal time of innocence, when they had not been so aware of how bad it all can be.

My personal anger is starting to subside a bit. My neighbor missed their garbage pick up this week, so I offered them the use of one of our bins to get them through so they don’t end up under a pile of garbage in their house. They have cleared our snow twice before when we were in deep, and I remember that. But even if not, I just prefer to be that way. That is the kind of thing that is at the core of a community, and at the core of understanding one another and living peacefully. Then it is a matter of understanding by extension that most people are as good as the guy next door who clears your snow. Sure, there are exceptions, but…

I have looked into Facebook a few times over the past couple of days. Stupid Capitol riots made me want to know what people were saying, and what memes have been passed around. I see that I am not the only one outraged. With both sides guilty of rioting now, maybe they can look eachotehr eye to eye and see eachother with a bit more understanding? Well, I wish. I doubt, but I wish.

I’m tired. Time for bed.

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