Category Archives: Regular Update
Happy New Year!
Normally I would post some journalistic blog post on New Year’s Day, or I would write down a set of goals for the year, or something to tell both, where I have been, and where I am going. Maybe by … Continue reading
Moving Forward In Spite of Doom
That last post was so full of hope and optimism! How funny! Now, we are a couple of weeks into the Presidency of Donald J Trump, and what is clear is that while he thinks he knows how to run … Continue reading
September Thoughts and a Trip to Colorado
The weather outside is frightful, and the fire inside is delightful! Today it poured down rain, early on, the tapered off very slowly till afternoon, when it finally quit and the clods broke, revealing snow on the tops of the … Continue reading
Working On The Farm
I have been busy with so many things around here that it’s hard to guess where to begin with telling about it all. The kids are a handful as always, and keeping them fed and clothed and clean and educated, … Continue reading
As the end of the year approaches, we are no between the Solstice and the end of the calendar year, when it is time to wrap things up and start out fresh for the next year. When I was a … Continue reading
Sunday Cleaning, Again….
Yet another busy day here today! It is my mom’s last day visiting us and we will be taking her down to Salt Lake City tomorrow. I will be sad to see her go. On the other hand, she has … Continue reading
Musings For A Spring Workday
Today I am working on the lighting in Grandma’s bedroom. She has been using floor and table lamps in there since the days when she owned the house. But she complains of her eyesight going bad, so as part of … Continue reading
Lemons and Honey
I am sat here with a cup of hot lemon and honey in front of me. The yard outside appears as if in a spring thaw, birds fluttering about, and the snow almost melted completely away. Yet, it is only … Continue reading
At Parting
The fifth bell has tolled, and away she has gone. I sit in the living room, the lights dim, a soft heat radiating from the embers of the fire, the lick of a few flames to punctuate the atmosphere, my … Continue reading
Snow, A Dead Chicken, A Funeral, and the Joy of Furniture Arranging
Snow’s been falling today, which around here means that the temperatures have risen! It’s been too cold to snow for the last week and a half or so, but finally the temperature has come up to the high twenties and … Continue reading