New Year’s Resolutions

It is that time of year again when I get to dig out a pen or pencil, or a new document in Word, and swear off all of my bad habits, and vow to commit myself to new good habits.  This New Year has kept me so busy around the house that I have hardly given it any thought!  Yesterday we built a shelter for the ducks, and today we took down enough Christmas decorations to decorate our house in England four times!

So what will I call my goals for this year?  Well, I need to look at where I am at now, and it has to do with why I have not got resolutions for this year.  One, there is my photography, and getting a business going here in the US that is about it.  The second is my pet project, which has been keeping me busier than anything lately, which is The Prospering Peasant.  I need to get that running full steam ahead, and work on it every day. 

This last year we made such a huge goal in moving to America that this year needs to be about directing us towards our self sufficiency and self reliance.  That is again where The Prospering Peasant comes in.  This year is about finding our feet as Britons and Americans in our new country, and in the new country here in the desert.  We have already got ducks, chickens, and a horse, which is pretty unbelievable!  But we have them and need to learn to put them to good use for everything from food to work to fertilizer.  I have never killed my own food apart from fish, but as I have done a bit of that, how hard could it be to do a chicken or a duck, or eventually a goose?  We will see!  That is something I will be finding out this year! 

Where the future lies from here has a lot to do with the work we land and how we go about setting up our lives.  If we can stay local, and produce an adequate income for our bills and a little bit of disposable, then we should be more than fine.  It would be great to get a cow by the end of the year, and have our jobs and transportation sorted out.  But if there is no way to land work here, then everything goes back into the air again.  So resolutions on that level are hard to work out. 

With all of this in mind, there is a very good way to sum up my resolutions to one thing.  Live every day to the very fullest!  That is so much easier to do here in America, and it can be done in whatever fashion I choose..!!  So far, we have wanted to learn to live the way people did more than a century ago, and so far we have already got 13 different animals of three different species in a matter of three months!  There is no reason to stop now! 

Live every day to it’s fullest! 

The only thing that stands adding to it is to reassess the situation as needed.  So once a month, I will do that!  At the end of the month I will evaluate the situation and decide what need redirecting!  Then I will redirect it! 

Live ever day to it’s fullest, reassess the situation monthly, and redirect as needed. 

Kelsey Bacon

Logandale, Nevada

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