The Passing Of A Friend Of The Family

Death is an eventual part of life.  If you live, then you must die.  So it is with a friend of the family this week.  We are sad at her passing, and wish her family well.  On Thursday I will be driving a small contingent from our family up to Idaho to pay respects at a service on Friday.  Saturday will return us home, and with any luck, in fair weather and safety. 

This will of course mean a break from all blogging and such for a few days. 

When I get back, I hope for fairer weather round here so we can get outside and put to use some of the reading the cold weather has allowed me time for!  There is still so much to do before spring breaks here if we are going to have any success at our adventures!  So much to do, and so little time!  Much of it learning, and much of it working..!!  Books out from the library now include books on horses, farm animals, and cheese making, as well as one classic Peanut’s comic collection for sanity’s sake.  Smile

I think this week is going to be about getting some work done around the house, doing the drive up and back, and planning what to do next week after we are all back from the cold country! 

One last thing, since I am in a matter of fact mood, if you have not done it yet, go to The Prospering Peasant’s Facebook page and “Like” the damned thing!  Winking smile 


Kelsey J Bacon

Logandale, NV

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