Category Archives: Journal Entry
Clean House!
This weekend we finished a big portion of our house cleaning and sorting, and can finally say that what’s here is ours, and not leftovers from someone else, and junk that nobody seems to want; leftovers from mt grandmother, and … Continue reading
I Am Reminded
I am oft reminded that I am not musical. I remember it well when I am with others, and won’t dare to ruin any composition with my voice or instrumentation. But even alone, I cannot muster a sound or two … Continue reading
Life Keeps Moving On
Life moves on. People get older. I get older. I am past the age when I celebrate myelf getting older. But the young… They are lucky that still think the passing of a year a momentous occasion. As the days … Continue reading
The Stars In Our Eyes
Where we live we are lucky have a fairly dark sky and a balcony facing south. Stepping out the door and onto the balcony can sometimes be like stepping off into the void of space itself. Tonight I was so … Continue reading
Sinus Infection
The past few days have been less than fun. I tought I was experiencing a toothache where I had lost a molar some sixteen years ago, and that it was sausing the normal toothache pains. However, the pain transitioned from … Continue reading
The Middle of it All
Covid is beginning to spike in the US. There are things I would like to say about how it is managed here in the US, and that if we had elected Bernie in 2016, and put in place an national … Continue reading
Suddenly having the ability to type properly again makes me want to type again. A stupid onscreen keyboard is not condusive to the creative process involved in writing. Never has it been shown more clearly to me than right now, … Continue reading
Today Was a Very Good Day
Today started out really well when I finally figured out what has been wrong with the keyboard I bought with my tablet a little over a year ago. It worked for about a month, then developed some dodgy problem that … Continue reading
Post Apocalyptic
There is nearly nothing to talk about that is greater and more important than Covid-19, and the effects it is having on us, our region, nation, and world. But talking about it brings up a lot of feelings that I … Continue reading
Coronavirus Lockdown Thoughts
This is the great cataclysm that the preppers have all been preparing for. Well, a lighter version, actually, but the world seems to have ground to a halt nonetheless, and those people who were preppers are probably not worried in … Continue reading