Category Archives: Philosophical
It’s Thursday Night
What do you do when you are the last person up on a Thursday night? I watched a video on YouTube explaining thoroughly Q-Anon from it’s origin, to it’s ideologies, to where it is at now and where it is … Continue reading
The Gift of Faith
In the film, Angels and Demons, the character Robert Langdon is challenged on his beliefs before he is allowed access to the Catholic Archives, and is response is, I think, pretty perfect. It is diplomatic, without being forced to concede … Continue reading
On A Rainy Day
Today has been a perfect, rainy day. The rain started yesterday, and has carried on through the night, and all of today so far. It is nearing sunset, and bedtimes for the kids, then the adults, with tomorrow meant to … Continue reading
Facebook Still
Three days ago I looked into Facebook to see what it is like now, and I think it took four swiped with humb over the screen of my cellphone to realize I still need to be away from it. Opinions … Continue reading
The alarm goes off at 4AM. I have to calculate that into my eight hours of sleep. Less than eight, and I am not performing the highwire act in the circus that day. Best keep my feet on the ground … Continue reading
Well, 50
It doesn’t seem right. Fifty is pretty old, and I am just sure I am neither pretty, nor old. One of the best parts of the day apart from being with my immediate family, has been hearing from old friends … Continue reading
The JW’s By Mail
The other day something interesting came in the mail. One of the local Jehovah’s Witnesses decided to get around Covid restrictions on door to door bullshitting, he would have to send out mailers to probably every address in the city. … Continue reading
Insurrection, Impeachment, Inaguration
These are the Wednesdays of January. There is no other way to see this but as an historic moment in America. The first Wednesday showed the true colors of the Trump Presidency. And a person would have to of been … Continue reading
Excusing The People Involved
I have seen that in the last few days there have been a couple of guys who were clearly photographed during the Capitol riots who have turned themselves in to local law enforcement. I have got to say, fair dues … Continue reading
Why I Am Pissed Off
In November 2016, the United States elected what I saw as the absolute worst candidate for Presidential office in my lifetime. He was a man who mocked the handicapped, lied about immigrants, lied about “caravans” coming to America to take … Continue reading